December 27, 2012

Why Australia is awesome

Welcome friends from all over the world. We all come from different walks of life, but we all have one thing in common. So today, I have a special message for all of my friends in the United States:

Every other civilised nation on Earth got over that debate years ago, and you know which way it ended up? Here's a clue, it's not in the direction that involves putting armed fucking security guards in primary schools, so that the 7 year olds can awkwardly walk past Mr. Nice Man and his giant fucking assault rifle on his way out of the classroom. And no, it also isn't in the direction that leads to one being able to buy guns from the supermarket along with your milk, eggs and bread. 

Here's why I cannot take the anti-gun control freaks seriously:

  • Firstly, the same people who love guns are also the same people who love Jesus, hate universal health care and oppose gay marriage. i.e., irrational, self-absorbed lunatics.
  • Secondly, they also love conspiracy theories. Gun control is always some plot by the media, or Hollywood, or the government, or the Freemasons, or the Illuminati, or the lizard people or whoever. This allows them to ignore arguments in favour of gun control and instead ride on their little persecution horse (which Christians also love to do, so it does not surprise me that there is some overlap here). There is also the insane paranoia, as there people seem to believe that once they lose their guns the government will start being able to ignore democracy or the constitution or whatever BS.
  • The fact that every other country with gun control has not descended into the pits of murder and government dictatorships that the pro gun lobby would make you think by their horror stories. Seriously, I live in Australia where nobody has a gun, and you know what? It's lovely. There are very few gun deaths, no large shootings since we increased gun laws and I don't walk around in fear of gunmen attacking our schools without having armed guards policing it (why would you need guards in a school, anyway? Maybe in America's fucked up schools, but over here our schools are schools, not prisons).
I may have more to say on this later, the next time there is a large shooting in America due to no changes being made to the gun laws. That'll probably be in a month or so, right? Seems on time.

Hey, maybe this will descend into some sort of political blog. Wouldn't that be totally radical!?


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