June 5, 2012


So, the Diamond Jubilee thing is still going on. Honestly, all this is doing is making me want a republic even more. Something like a million people standing around celebrating some old woman who was born into the right family not dying for sixty years. Good job. The Queen seemed like she had no idea where she was while the ceremony was going on. I also find it amusing that there is this massive ceremony with fireworks and boats and songs and stuff, and immediately after reporting on this the news will shift to how the economy is in the shitter or something. I don't mind people wasting money like this, but I'm not too sure that some of the poor islands that the Queen reigns over were too thrilled with it. Whatever.

Also, check out Gillard's stupid hat she was wearing while kissing the Queen's ass:

And in other news:

  • There were floods in Victoria today. If I ever move somewhere I'm checking if it has flooded there in the last hundred years. It seems to flood all the time around Australia and I don't want to accidentally move to one of our many flood-prone areas. Or at least I'll try and move to the top floor of an apartment complex.
  • Apparently the federal police take people smuggling very seriously. Good that they needed to tell us that.
  • Went to some career counselling today. The lady thought that maybe I was a little negative. I don't think I will go into journalism, seems to social. I think I'll have to stick with sociology, it will probably give me the most options after uni. Even if it is super wanky. At least I'm good at it.
  • And relating to that, I have my sociology exam on Thursday, my first exam this semester. It's just 50 or so multiple choice questions, I should be able to dominate. It's a Bachelor of Arts, I shouldn't need to work too hard.
Oh, and I got that job. Yippee. My first shift is on Saturday, I'll see what that's like before determining whether or not my job sucks or not. I'll detail my position a bit more after that, I'm not totally sure what I'll be doing. At the very least I'll be earning some dinero.

Link of the day

Hoo Roo.

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