Thousands of people will die from suicide or from relatively easily prevented illness. They will dies because there wasn't enough food to go around, because they couldn't afford to go the hospital or because they were born into a country where they were practically doomed from the start. They will die at the hands of violent criminals or by corrupt governments with draconian laws.
The world itself suffers from a lack of resources, a lack of affordable housing, a lack of hospitable temperatures for humans to easily exist in. We have to deal with rising temperatures, future pandemics, overpopulation and an increasing disparity between the world's richest and it's poorest. We have countries run by religious lunatics or power hungry politicians, neither of whom care one iota for the people who they are supposed to lead.
Every day millions will be bullied, molested, abused, attacked or just made to feel like shit just for being themselves (or for no reason at all). We have conflicts over whose god is better, which country is better and whether women or gay people count as human. There are billions of people on this world who live pretty horrible lives, and if we could I think most of us would do as much as possible to help them out.
If Oprah, a woman with billions of dollars to her name and millions of loyal followers could give one gift to the world, what would it be? Why, the ability to stand still, of course. Who needs food, water, safety, health, love or happiness when you can just stand still?
So fuck you Oprah, fuck you Deepak Chopra and fuck everyone who wants to pretend that sitting still will do anything at all.