November 24, 2012


Oh, and I totally dominated in my exams. Who says you need to 'study' or 'prepare'? Just imagine how far I could go if I actually applied myself.


See ya.

The man inside me

Yo wassup. It's been many months, and oh, the tides have changed.

But don't worry, I'm still the table.

I have been flooded with mail regarding my true identity. Who am I? Am I as cool as I think I am? What internet browser do I use? Who do I stalk online? Unfortunately friends, this info is private at this point. You'll just have to wait.

But here's something I found interesting. My interests in my profile are 'fun, etc.'. Searching the fun tag, it is amazing how many people genuinely put fun as one of their interests. "You like fun!? Get out, me too! How weird is that!?"

*eye roll*

See you in five months.